Inside the Washington Monument
Written by Renel, Posted in Aerial, Canon 7D, Washington DC
After all these years living in the Washington, DC area I finally took the opportunity to go inside the Washington Monument. It’s been reopened to the public for about seven months after being closed for 32 month of repairs due to damage from 2011 5.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the area.
I went on one of the coldest days of the year but was able to stand in the lodge to keep warm. After going through security there’s a small hallway where you wait for the elevator. After a short wait I was on my way up 500 feet to the observation level.
East: US Capitol
The National Mall is currently under maintenance but it’s still a great view towards the Capitol. The buildings on the left with the red tops house the US Treasury Department.
Here’s a closer view with the Supreme Court behind to the left and the Library of Congress to the right.
West: Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial is one of my favorite memorials!
Tip: Same-day tickets are on a first come first serve basis at the back window of Washington Monument Lodge. You can also reserve tickets in advance online for a small service fee and shipping costs. The tour wasn’t crowded when I went but during spring and summer months tickets go quickly.