VIDEO: My First Stearman Flight
Written by Renel, Posted in Adventure, airplane, Bealeton, Canon 7D, Samsung Galaxy EK-GC110, Transportation, Video, Virginia
I went to the Flying Circus Balloon Festival (see photos here) thinking I would take a balloon ride, but worked up the courage to take a flight in the open cockpit Stearman biplane (also known as a PT17). The one I flew in was built in the 1940s, and is the same style plane the Tuskegee Airman used to train on for World War II.
I was nervous since this was my first time in an open cockpit plane, but I’m so glad to have had this experience!! It was better than riding a roller coaster.
Have you ever taken an open cockpit flight? Let me know your experience in the comments. Here’s a quick video I shot during the flight.
My pilot got me as close as possible to the balloons so I could get great shots.
It was about a 10 minute ride at 3,000 feet with an amazing view!
Steven Glintz, one of the other photographers at the meet up, was kind enough to snap this photo of me as I was taking a photo of my pilot in the mirror after I landed.

My first open cockpit flight in a BT17 Stearman at the Flying Circus Balloon Festival in Bealeton, VA. (Photo by Steven Glintz.)
(Featured photo by Steven Glintz)